Quantum-Safe Encryption
Any type of cryptographic algorithm requires a multi bit key to encrypt data. Longer keys are exponentially more difficult to crack. With any type of cryptographic cipher, the problem arises in the transmission of the key between the sender and receiver, as well as key strength. In addition, the ability to verify authenticated identity across open systems and to transparently verify the actions taken against the data that traverses such open systems.
XQ generates quantum-safe keys that are virtually impossible to crack via brute force attacks while also providing the capability to manage encryption keys via a secure tokenization process.
XQ does not require current technology stacks to be uprooted and replaced, but instead is categorized as a Quantum-Safe Encryption as a Service (QEaaS) solution that is layered on top of existing security controls to enhance security via stronger encryption and secure key management. Users and applications can encrypt data on edge devices either via XQ’s applications or via use of XQ’s APIs and SDKs.
Only users who are valid recipients of the message can receive the decryption keys. As a result, a user who is not a valid recipient of the message will not be able to retrieve keys, even in the event that the user possesses an XQ token from within the message. The user may have the token, but will not be able to get the encryption key off the server due to the token validation. Therefore, encryption keys are only retrievable by valid recipients of the message.
XQ also provides the capability of message tracking and revocation. All messages are tracked by their status, as well as IP address of accessing recipient. If a message is sent accidentally or the recipient is deemed not longer valid, the sender can revoke the message. In the event that the recipient uses the token to try to retrieve the encryption key, it will not be possible due to the message previously being revoked.